CBR Update

New Board

This monday, the 28th of Februari 2022, the new board of the Central Tenants Council Drienerloo has been voted in. The new board consists of Maartje Peters – Chairwoman, Hannah Ottenschot – Secretary, Thomas Hordijk – Treasurer and Daan Pluister – Vice-Chairman. A small introduction from every board member can be found here.

This year the board will focus on further spreading the word of our existence and that of our street committees over the campus to improve our ability to represent the residents. Another focal point for us will be to improve the sustainability of the housing on campus.

We are looking forward to representing you!

CBR Update

Results co-optation survey

A while ago a survey was conducted amongst you about the cooptation process and your opinions on it. We are gladly presenting you the survey results as an infographic. You can find it here.

CBR Update

Welcome to the site!

Welcome to the new and rebranded site of the revived CBR! On this page you will find all the news about what the CBR Board is doing but also articles that are relevant for you as a tenant and other updates.

– CBR Board